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SCS faculty members are part of a CMU team that received an NSF Future of Work grant to investigate how AI-augmented learning can help accelerate student progress in community college IT courses. (Photo courtesy of CCAC.)

CMU Professors Awarded NSF Future of Work Grant

Funds Will Support AI-Augmented Learning Technologies in Community College IT Courses

by Aaron Aupperlee and Heinz College | Monday, November 21, 2022

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) has announced that a team of professors from the School of Computer Science (SCS) and the Heinz College of Information Systems, Public Policy and Management has received one of 14 Future of Work grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation.

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CMU's International Collegiate Programming Contest team of Zack Lee, Christopher Lambert and Andrew Yang finished seventh and earned a silver medal in the final competition held earlier this month in Bangladesh.

CMU Programming Team Shines in ICPC World Finals

by Aaron Aupperlee | Monday, November 21, 2022

Carnegie Mellon University's International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) team recently notched an impressive performance in the competition's World Finals.

The team — computer science major Christopher Lambert and recently graduated computer science majors Andrew Yang and Zack Lee — finished seventh and earned a silver medal in the final competition held earlier this month in Dhaka, Bangladesh. This was CMU's first silver medal and highest finish to date.

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Headshot photos of Isaac Grosof and Ziv Scully

CSD Team Wins Prize for Best Student-Written Paper

by Kayla Papakie | Friday, November 4, 2022

A Computer Science Department team received the George Nicholson Prize in Operations Research, which recognizes the best student-written paper at the 2022 Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) annual meeting.

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CSD Master's students Mike Xu, Akshath Jain and Deepayan Patra present their research at the ACM Internet Measurement Conference in France.

Measuring Internet resilience in Ukraine

by Ryan Noone | Tuesday, November 1, 2022

When Carnegie Mellon master’s students Akshath Jain, Deepayan Patra, and Mike Xu reached out to Department of Computer Science associate professor Justine Sherry, asking to take her doctoral level “Computer Networks” course, they never imagined they would end up presenting their course project at the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) in France.

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CMU recently gathered to celebrate five decades of research that enables people to talk to computers and — more importantly — computers to understand their speech at the P2Q4 Symposium.

Pawn to Queen Four: CMU Celebrates 50 Years of Speech Research

by Aaron Aupperlee | Friday, October 28, 2022

Talking to computers is the norm these days, from digital assistants in smartphones and smart devices to translation applications that break down language barriers. But 50 years ago, when Carnegie Mellon University began its work in speech understanding, all that was a pipe dream.

The university recently gathered to celebrate five decades of research that enables people to talk to computers and — more importantly — computers to understand their speech at the P2Q4 Symposium.

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A data visualization tool developed in part by SCS researchers could assist law enforcement agencies working to combat human trafficking by identifying patterns in online escort advertisements that often indicate illegal activity.

Visualization Tool Helps Law Enforcement Identify Human Trafficking

by Aaron Aupperlee | Tuesday, October 25, 2022

A data visualization tool developed by School of Computer Science researchers, collaborators from other universities and experts in the field could assist law enforcement agencies working to combat human trafficking by identifying patterns in online escort advertisements that often indicate illegal activity.

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CSD doctoral student, Jay Bosamiya, at his laptop computer seated at a round table at Carnegie Mellon University

Award-winning research paves the way for provably-safe sandboxing using WebAssembly

by Ryan Noone | Tuesday, October 11, 2022

"This is code downloaded from the internet. Are you sure you want to run it?"

In today's computer programming landscape, developers often face the challenge of safely using untrusted code. Libraries and frameworks, for example, help coders skip large amounts of tedious and duplicative work, but using code from unverified sources can become hazardous without the right safeguards in place.

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Carnegie Mellon's hacking team wins DEF CON CTF

by | Thursday, August 18, 2022

Carnegie Mellon showed off its computer security talent by winning DEF CON's Capture the Flag competition, the “Superbowl of hacking,” for the sixth time. The team was composed of CMU students in the Plaid Parliament of Pwning, who joined forces with CMU Alum Professor Robert Xiao’s Maple Bacon (at the University of British Columbia) and CMU Alum startup

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SCS Faculty Receive More Than $1.6M in NSF CAREER Awards

by | Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Three Carnegie Mellon University researchers in the School of Computer Science recently earned Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) awards from the National Science Foundation. The awards are the foundation's most prestigious for young faculty researchers.

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Researchers propose ephemeral approach to IoT privacy

by | Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Whether you are at the office, the gym, or even at a friend’s house for a BBQ this summer, chances are an IoT device is going to gather some sort of data about you. Compounding the fact that this data may be sensitive is the reality that many of these devices gather data on anyone within range, whether they are the owners of the device or not.

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Andre Platzer has been named an Alexander von Humboldt Professor for Artificial Intelligence at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany. It's the country's most valuable international research award.

Platzer Selected for Alexander von Humboldt Professorship for Artificial Intelligence

SCS Professor Will Head Institute for the Reliability of Autonomous Dynamical Systems at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

by | Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Computer systems increasingly manage and control networks such as the trains crisscrossing a country or the planes taking off and landing at an airport. Failures in these systems not only disrupt critical infrastructure but can also put people's lives at risk.

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A theory of consciousness from a theoretical computer science perspective: Insights from the Conscious Turing Machine (CTM)

by | Friday, May 27, 2022

The quest to understand consciousness, once the purview of philosophers and theologians, is now actively pursued by scientists of many stripes. This paper studies consciousness from the perspective of Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), a branch of mathematics concerned with understanding the underlying principles of computation and complexity.

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Baharav Awarded CMWA Scholarship

by | Thursday, May 12, 2022

The Carnegie Mellon Women's Association (CMWA) has awarded Carmel Baharav, a senior graduating with a degree in computer science, a $1,500 scholarship as one of its 2022 award recipients. 

Baharav was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma, Society of Women Engineers and the Db choir. She was also a teacher's assistant, which she called one of the most impactful experiences she had at CMU. 

"I have gotten to know so many students and hopefully have been able to help some of them," Baharav said.

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SCS Seniors Shine as Scholar Athletes

by | Thursday, May 12, 2022

Nadia Susanto and Michael OBroin will both earn degrees from the School of Computer Science during Carnegie Mellon University's upcoming Commencement exercises on Sunday, May 15. But they'll also leave the university with something not every student can claim: top-notch records as athletes.

Nadia Susanto

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NSF Awards CMU Researchers $3M To Accelerate Next-Gen Networking, Computing

by | Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Carnegie Mellon Researchers in the School of Computer Science and College of Engineering will use nearly $3 million in funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to help develop intelligent, resilient and reliable next-generation (NextG) networks.

The NSF awarded $37 million to 37 different projects at universities across the country.

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Your Eyes Control Your Smartphone With CMU's New Gaze-Tracking Tool

EyeMU Enables Users To Interact With Their Screens Without Lifting a Finger

by | Monday, April 18, 2022

As more people watch movies, edit video, read the news and keep up with social media on their smartphones, these devices have grown to accommodate the bigger screens and higher processing power needed for more demanding activities.

The problem with unwieldy phones is they frequently require a second hand or voice commands to operate — which can be cumbersome and inconvenient.

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SCS Ph.D. Students Selected for Amazon Graduate Research Fellowship

by | Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Amazon awarded its second round of research fellowships to five graduate students with ties to the School of Computer Science. They include Emily Black, Saurabh Garg, Natalia Lombardi de Oliveira, Emre Yolcu and Minji Yoon.

The program supports graduate students researching automated reasoning, computer vision, robotics, language technology, machine learning, operations research and data science. The students will be invited to interview for a science internship at Amazon.

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SCS Alumna Parlays Programming Into Publishing

by | Thursday, March 17, 2022

Any Carnegie Mellon University grad who reads Sindya Bhanoo's short story, "His Holiness," will know she has a CMU connection the instant they see the line, "It will take time, but my heart is in this work." What might be more surprising is that Bhanoo, who just published her first collection of short fiction, "Seeking Fortune Elsewhere," majored in computer science.

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