Doctoral Student Review (DSR) Schedule The Computer Science Department faculty hold the Doctoral Student Review (DSR) meeting twice a year at the end of the fall and spring semesters to make a formal evaluation of each student in the PhD program. Fall Semester ReviewStudents in years 4-n will be reviewed at the research area meetings on Thursday.Students in years 1-3, special cases, LOAs, ghosts, and cases referred from the Thursday area meetings will be reviewed at the General Meeting on Friday.Spring Semester ReviewStudents in years 1-3 are reviewed at the research area meetings on Thursday.Students in years 4-n, special cases, LOAs, ghosts, and cases referred from the Thursday area meetings will be reviewed at the General Meeting on Friday.Reserach area groupings alternate as well:Fall - AM - PL/Security/Systems, PM - AI/Graphics/TheorySpring - AM - AI/Graphics/Theory, PM - PL/Security/Systems Current Semester DSR DatesSPRING 2025Thursday,May 8, 2025AI/Graphics/Theory(Years 1-3)9:30 AMGHC 6115Thursday,May 8, 2025PL/Security/Systems (Years 1-3)1:00 PMGHC 6115Friday,May 9, 2025General Meeting(Years 4-n)9:30 AMGHC 6115TENTATIVE Upcoming Semester DatesFall 2025December 11-12GHC 6115Spring 2026May 7-8GHC 6115Fall 2026TBDGHC 6115DSR dates are also available each semester on the CSD online department calendar under Faculty Meetings, which provides options to add the dates to your preferred calendar. Academics Current Semester Courses Upcoming Semester Courses Fall 2025 Courses Schedule of Classes Undergraduate Catalog Bachelor's Programs Master's Programs Doctoral Programs Student Resources General Student Resources Bachelor's Resources Master's Resources Doctoral Resources Doctoral Program Handbook Doctoral Breadth Courses Doctoral Student Review Schedule Doctoral Writing Skills Doctoral Speaking Skills Doctoral Thesis Proposal Process Doctoral Thesis Oral Defense Process Doctoral Degrees Conferred Doctoral Student Ombudspersons Doctoral Student Service Award