Faculty Resources To have university resources included on this page please contactcsd-marcom-info@cs.cmu.edu General Information Directories & d-lists CSD Full DirectorySCS DirectoryCMU DirectoryCSD Key ContactsSCS Key ContactsSCS Faculty Support & AdministrationCSD D-lists (authentication will be required - info being gathered) |SCS Public D-Lists | CMU Public Andrew D-Lists Faculty Awards Faculty Awards (SCS Archive)ACM FellowsIEEE Fellows Calendars Department CalendarAdd CSD events to your Google calendar:Open Google calendar in a browserClick the + symbol next to Other calendars in the left sidebarSelect From URL from the menu that appearsIn the dialogue that opens, paste the dept. URL: https://csd.cmu.edu/ical/ical.icsDo not select Import - that will irreversibly copy the events into one of your existing calendars instead.Do not select Subscribe to Calendar - this seems to only work properly if it is another Google calendar.SCS CalendarSubmit an SCS Calendar EventSCS Seminar SeriesAcademic Calendars University Libraries Carnegie Mellon LibrariesHours are listed at the top of the main pageCourse ReservesElements is the shared research information management system at CMU, which collects and maintains academic and research activities in one convenient location.Scholars - Find CMU experts and discover potential collaborators. Search for scholars and researchers by entering names, keywords, or disciplinesKiltHub is a comprehensive institutional repository, maintained by the University Libraries and hosted on the figshare platform, where Carnegie Mellon University researchers and their collaborators can share the scholarly outputs and research data produced in the course of their research.ACM Digital LibraryIEEE Xplore Computing, Technical Services SCS Computing ServicesHelp & SupportResearch ComputingCMU Computing ServicesTech Guides (links for students, staff, faculty, visitors)Faculty Tech Quick StartSoftware CatalogService Catalog Marketing & Communications CSD Marcom: For logos, unitmark, colors, door label updates, and templates.Send news items (awards, etc) to csd-news@cs.cmu.eduSCS Media and PR ContactsUniv. Marcom - Includes: brand standards - logos, colors, type, etc. Parking, Abbreviations, Campus, Dept. & School General Info CMU Building Abbreviations & Schedule of Classes LegendMaps, Parking & Transportation - includes interactive, Google, & printable mapsAcroynms (archival info - not current)Department Mailing AddressComputer Science DepartmentCarnegie Mellon University5000 Forbes AvenueGates CenterPittsburgh PA 15213-3891 Courses, Teaching & Students CSD & SCS - TA Info CSD Course TA Appreciation Funds - restricted access, login required.Request and Review TAs; Check TA Policies - restricted access, login required. Course Management - Classes, Classrooms, Exams, Univ. LMS Request a CSD/SCS Academic Volume (for course webpage)CanvasCourse Scheduling and Classrooms (NOTE: CSD manages this internally each semsester)Final Exam Schedules and InformationManaging Grades and Student Rosters - S3 ConsoleFaculty Course EvaluationsSchedule of ClassesCSD Current Semester Course ListDepartmental Course Management Contacts:Undergraduate:15-1nn - Sara Kuntz15-2nn-15-5nn - Amy WeisMaster's & Doctoral:15-6nn - Amanda Hornick15-7nn-15-9nn - Matthew Stewart & Amanda HornickDoctoral Special Topics / New Course number assignment:Jenn LandefeldCourse Scheduling and Profile Form - F25 form available Syllabus Registry If you already use Canvas please start here: Canvas Syllabus RegistryIf you need the department to upload your syllabus to the Canvas registry please go here:CSD Syllabus Web Uploader Scheduling Speaking Skills, Thesis Proposals & Thesis Orals Students are directed to do the following for their milestone talks:Speaking SkillsTo select a day and time for a Speaking Skills talk:They should check the CSD PhD Talks scheduling calendar.They should go to the Speaking Skills Requirement page for details on scheduling and giving their talk.Thesis ProposalTo select a day and time for a thesis proposal:They should check the CSD PhD Talks scheduling calendar.Once they have determined there is an open time on the day they are seeking, they should email CSD PhD Support to reserve the time and day.Their next steps are outlined in the Thesis Proposal Checklist (authentication required).The should follow the checklist and complete the process outlined there. Reminder: Thesis orals and thesis proposals will not be scheduled to overlapThesis Oral (Defense)To select a day and time for a thesis oral:They should check the CSD PhD Talks scheduling calendar.Once they have determined there is an open time on the day they are seeking, they should email email CSD PhD Support to reserve the time and day.Student next steps are outlined in the Thesis Oral Defense Process (authentication required).They should follow the checklist and complete the process outlined there.Faculty guidance for the Thesis Oral Defense Presentation day.Reminder: Thesis orals and thesis proposals will not be scheduled to overlap.Questions about the processes or for assistance in reserving rooms send email to:csd-phd-support@cs.cmu.edu CSD Doctoral Student Review Doctoral Student Review Schedule (formerly Black Friday)Doctoral Student Review - review application - restricted access, login required. Textbook Guidelines and Ordering Contact information: books@andrew.cmu.eduFor desk copies for faculty please email: Amy WeisEberly Center textbook considerations guideline - things to keep in mind regarding textbook use and expense for students Student Award Opportunities & Past Winners SCS Student Awards Archive[UG][MS]Doctoral:CSD Doctoral Student Service AwardACM Doctoral Dissertation AwardACM SIGEnergy Dissertation Award Research & Finance SCS Technical Reports To get a Technical Report number for research you want to publish send email to:reports@cs.cmu.eduCSD Technical ReportsSCS Technical Reports SCS & CMU Grants, Finance & Purchasing SCS: scsdean.cs.cmu.edu/finance/Graduate Fellowship OpportunitiesPurchasing & Technical ProcurementCMU: Online Grant Reports - Oracle Web Reports Main Menu for grants management and general ledger.Office of Sponsored Research (OSP)Sponsored Projects AccountingTechnology Transfer OfficeTravel Expenses informationTravisa - fast visa serviceProcurement ServicesUniversity Stores External Grants and Finance Information NSF: Fastlane Research.govDirectorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE)Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)NASANational Institute of Science and Technology (NIST)Office of Naval Research (ONR) Governance, HR — Benefits and Services SCS Policies and Governance SCS CouncilSchool of Computer Science Policies:General Policies PageReappointment & PromotionTenure & Research TrackFaculty Leaves (SCS follows Univesity Policy) University Policies and Governance University Policy SiteQuick links to key pages or policies:University Leadership and GovernanceFaculty SenateFaculty HandbookLeave of Absence Faculty Hiring CSD Faculty Hiring PageSCS Faculty HiringSCS Policies - Includes Offer Lettter Policy, Courtesy & Adjunct Appointments, Professor of the Practice Policy Benefits HR ServicesNew Faculty & Staff Info PageCurrent Faculty & Staff Info PagePayroll (requires login)Workday LoginFocusU LoginNew EmployeesDocuments and Workday GuidesChild CareSupport Programs & Services Directory Doctoral Faculty Postdoctoral Staff Key Contacts Staff Resources Student Resources General Student Resources Bachelor's Resources Master's Resources Doctoral Resources Faculty Resources Key ContactsFaculty ResourcesStaff ResourcesStudent Resources