Dual Degree Portugal Doctoral students conduct their studies both in Portugal and in the United States, and are co-advised by faculty from Carnegie Mellon University and from Portuguese partner higher education institutions. The dual degree Ph.D. program in computer science/informatics with Portugal aims toPromote the education of high-quality researchers, instructors and innovation agents in computer science;Offer a specialization based on a broad knowledge in computer science/informatics;Support collaborative research between CSD/CMU and the Portuguese institution;Enforce rigorous quality control and assessment procedures;Recruit top students from Portugal and other countries.Students enrolled in the program apply to both CMU and one of the Portuguese partner institutions.CMU's Computer Science Department and the Portuguese institutions are equal partners, working together to educate doctoral students. All students are held to the highest scientific standards and must satisfy all requirements of both the CSD/CMU and the Portuguese institution they apply to. The expected duration of the program is around five years of full time work.For more on the program, visit the Carnegie Mellon | Portugal webpage. Academics Current Semester Courses Upcoming Semester Courses Fall 2025 Courses Schedule of Classes Undergraduate Catalog Bachelor's Programs Master's Programs Doctoral Programs Ph.D. in Computer Science Ph.D. in ACO Ph.D. in PAL CNBC Certificate Program Ph.D. Dual Degree Portugal Doctoral - How to Apply Core CSD Advisors Degrees Conferred Other SCS Doctoral Programs Student Resources