Preprint A Fast, Provably Accurate Approximation Algorithm for Sparse Principal Component Analysis Reveals Human Genetic Variation Across the World 2022.04.21.489052 Chowdhury A, Bose A, Zhou S, Woodruff DP, Drineas P
Journal Article A Simple Message-Optimal Algorithm for Random Sampling from a Distributed Stream • IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering • 28(6):1356-1368 Chung Y-Y, Tirthapura S, Woodruff DP
Preprint Learning-Augmented Sketching Offers Improved Performance for Privacy Preserving and Secure GWAS 2024.09.19.613975 Xu J, Zhu K, Cai J, Kockan C, Dokmai N, Cho H, Woodruff DP, Sahinalp SC
Preprint Sketching Algorithms for Genomic Data Analysis and Querying in a Secure Enclave 468355 Kockan C, Zhu K, Dokmai N, Karpov N, Kulekci MO, Woodruff DP, Sahinalp SC
Journal Article True Randomness from Big Data • Scientific Reports • 6(1):33740 Papakonstantinou PA, Woodruff DP, Yang G