Publications by David Woodruff


Sketching structured matrices for faster nonlinear regression

2013 • Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems
Avron H, Sindhwani V, Woodruff DP


Subspace embeddings and l<inf>p</inf>-regression using exponential random variables

2013 • Journal of machine learning research • 30:546-567
Woodruff DP, Zhang Q

Journal Article

Fast approximation of matrix coherence and statistical leverage

2012 • Journal of machine learning research • 13:3475-3506
Drineas P, Magdon-Ismail M, Mahoney MW, Woodruff DP


Fast approximation of matrix coherence and statistical leverage

2012 • Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2012 • 1:105-112
Drineas P, Magdon-Ismail M, Mahoney MW, Woodruff DP
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