Journal Article Characterizing Web Page Complexity and Its Impact 2014 • IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking • 22(3):943-956 Butkiewicz M, Madhyastha HV, Sekar V
Conference Enforcing network-wide policies in the presence of dynamic middlebox actions using FlowTags 2014 • Proceedings of the 11th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, NSDI 2014 • 533-546 Fayazbakhsh SK, Chiang L, Sekar V, Yu M, Mogul JC
Conference Extending SDN to Handle Dynamic Middlebox Actions via FlowTags<sup>∗</sup> 2014 • Open Networking Summit 2014 - Research Track, ONS 2014 Fayazbakhsh SK, Chiang L, Sekar V, Yu M, Mogul JC
Conference FireFly: A Reconfigurable Wireless Data Center Fabric Using Free-Space Optics 2014 • Computer Communication Review • 319-330 Hamedazimi N, Qazi Z, Gupta H, Sekar V, Das SR, Longtin JP, Shah H, Tanwer A
Journal Article Improving Fairness, Efficiency, and Stability in HTTP-Based Adaptive Video Streaming With FESTIVE 2014 • IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking • 22(1):326-340 Jiang J, Sekar V, Zhang H
Conference SNIPS: A Software-Defined Approach for Scaling Intrusion Prevention Systems via Offloading 2014 • Lecture Notes in Computer Science • 8880:9-29 Heorhiadi V, Fayaz SK, Reiter MK, Sekar V
Conference Toward a Principled Framework to Design Dynamic Adaptive Streaming Algorithms over HTTP 2014 1-7 Yin X, Sekar V, Sinopoli B
Conference Trace-Driven Analysis of ICN Caching Algorithms on Video-on-Demand Workloads 2014 363-376 Sun Y, Fayaz SK, Guo Y, Sekar V, Jin Y, Kaafar MA, Uhlig S
Conference Using Video-Based Measurements to Generate a Real-Time Network Traffic Map 2014 1-7 Sun Y, Jiang J, Sekar V, Zhang H, Lin F, Wang N
Conference Analyzing the potential benefits of CDN augmentation strategies for internet video workloads 2013 43-56 Balachandran A, Sekar V, Akella A, Seshan S
Conference CoNEXT HotMiddlebox 2013 chairs' welcome 2013 • HotMiddlebox 2013 - Proceedings of the 2013 Workshop on Hot Topics in Middleboxes and Network Function Virtualization Huici F, Sekar V
Conference Developing a Predictive Model of Quality of Experience for Internet Video 2013 • Computer Communication Review • 43(4):339-350 Balachandran A, Sekar V, Akella A, Seshan S, Stoica I, Zhang H
Conference Developing a predictive model of quality of experience for internet video 2013 339-350 Balachandran A, Sekar V, Akella A, Seshan S, Stoica I, Zhang H
Conference Enabling the transition to the mobile web with WebSieve 2013 1-6 Butkiewicz M, Wu Z, Li S, Murali P, Hristidis V, Madhyastha HV, Sekar V
Conference Enhancing Video Accessibility and Availability Using Information-Bound References 2013 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2013 ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING NETWORKING EXPERIMENTS AND TECHNOLOGIES (CONEXT '13) • 345-356 Anand A, Balachandran A, Akella A, Sekar V, Seshan S
Conference Less pain, most of the gain 2013 147-158 Fayazbakhsh SK, Lin Y, Tootoonchian A, Ghodsi A, Koponen T, Maggs B, Ng KC, Sekar V, Shenker S
Journal Article Less Pain, Most of the Gain: Incrementally Deployable ICN 2013 • Computer Communication Review • 43(4):147-158 Fayazbakhsh SK, Lin Y, Tootoonchian A, Ghodsi A, Koponen T, Maggs BM, Ng KC, Sekar V, Shenker S
Journal Article Session details: Network measurement 2013 • Computer Communication Review • 43(4): Sekar V
Conference Shedding Light on the Structure of Internet Video Quality Problems in the Wild 2013 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2013 ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING NETWORKING EXPERIMENTS AND TECHNOLOGIES (CONEXT '13) • 357-368 Jiang J, Sekar V, Stoica I, Zhang H