Chapter Unleashing the Potential of Data-Driven Networking 2017 • Lecture Notes in Computer Science • 10340:110-126 Jiang J, Sekar V, Stoica I, Zhang H
Preprint Vulnerabilities of Electric Vehicle Battery Packs to Cyberattacks 2017 Sripad S, Kulandaivel S, Pande V, Sekar V, Viswanathan V
Journal Article Vulnerabilities of Electric Vehicle Battery Packs to Cyberattacks 2017 Sripad S, Kulandaivel S, Pande V, Sekar V, Viswanathan V
Conference BUZZ: Testing Context-Dependent Policies in Stateful Networks 2016 • 13TH USENIX SYMPOSIUM ON NETWORKED SYSTEMS DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION (NSDI '16) • 275-289 Fayaz SK, Yu T, Tobioka Y, Chaki S, Sekar V
Conference CFA: A Practical Prediction System for Video QoE Optimization 2016 • 13TH USENIX SYMPOSIUM ON NETWORKED SYSTEMS DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION (NSDI '16) • 137-150 Jiang J, Sekar V, Milner H, Shepherd D, Stoica I, Zhang H
Conference CICADAS: Congesting the Internet with Coordinated And Decentralized Pulsating Attacks 2016 • ASIA CCS'16: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 11TH ACM ASIA CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER AND COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY • 699-710 Ke Y-M, Chen C-W, Hsiao H-C, Perrig A, Sekar V
Conference CS2P: Improving Video Bitrate Selection and Adaptation with Data-Driven Throughput Prediction 2016 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2016 ACM CONFERENCE ON SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP ON DATA COMMUNICATION (SIGCOMM '16) • 272-285 Sun Y, Yin X, Jiang J, Sekar V, Lin F, Wang N, Liu T, Sinopoli B
Conference Efficient network reachability analysis using a succinct control plane representation 2016 • Proceedings of the 12th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, OSDI 2016 • 217-232 Fayaz SK, Sharma T, Fogel A, Mahajan R, Millstein T, Sekar V, Varghese G
Conference Enabling Software-Defined Network Security for Next-Generation Networks 2016 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING NETWORKING EXPERIMENTS AND TECHNOLOGIES (CONEXT'16) • 1-1 Sekar V
Journal Article Enhancing Video Accessibility and Availability Using Information-Bound References 2016 • IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking • 24(2):1223-1236 Anand A, Balachandran A, Akella A, Sekar V, Seshan S
Journal Article EZ-PC: Program Committee Selection Made Easy 2016 • Computer Communication Review • 46(3): Sekar V
Conference FreeFlow: High Performance Container Networking 2016 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE 15TH ACM WORKSHOP ON HOT TOPICS IN NETWORKS (HOTNETS '16) • 43-49 Yu T, Noghabi SA, Raindel S, Liu HH, Padhye J, Sekar V
Conference Gremlin: Systematic Resilience Testing of Microservices 2016 • Distributed Computing Systems • 57-66 Heorhiadi V, Rajagopalan S, Jamjoom H, Reiter MK, Sekar V
Conference KLEIN: A Minimally Disruptive Design for an Elastic Cellular Core 2016 • SYMPOSIUM ON SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORKING (SDN) RESEARCH (SOSR'16) Qazi ZA, Penumarthi PK, Sekar V, Gopalakrishnan V, Joshi K, Das SR
Conference KLEIN: A minimally disruptive design for an elastic cellular core 2016 • Symposium on Software Defined Networking (SDN) Research, SOSR 2016 Qazi ZA, Krishna P, Penumarthi P, Sekar V, Gopalakrishnan V, Joshi K, Das SR
Journal Article NetMemex: Providing Full-Fidelity Traffic Archival 2016 Lim H, Sekar V, Abe Y, Andersen DG
Preprint On the Efficiency and Fairness of Multiplayer HTTP-based Adaptive Video Streaming 2016 Yin X, Bartulović M, Sekar V, Sinopoli B
Conference One Sketch to Rule Them All: Rethinking Network Flow Monitoring with UnivMon 2016 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2016 ACM CONFERENCE ON SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP ON DATA COMMUNICATION (SIGCOMM '16) • 101-114 Liu Z, Manousis A, Vorsanger G, Sekar V, Braverman V
Journal Article Shedding Light on the Adoption of Let's Encrypt 2016 Manousis A, Ragsdale R, Draffin B, Agrawal A, Sekar V
Preprint Shedding Light on the Adoption of Let's Encrypt 2016 Manousis A, Ragsdale R, Draffin B, Agrawal A, Sekar V
Conference Simplifying Software-Defined Network Optimization Using SOL 2016 • 13TH USENIX SYMPOSIUM ON NETWORKED SYSTEMS DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION (NSDI '16) • 223-237 Heorhiadi V, Reiter MK, Sekar V
Conference SPIFFY: Inducing Cost-Detectability Tradeoffs for Persistent Link-Flooding Attacks 2016 • 23RD ANNUAL NETWORK AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM SECURITY SYMPOSIUM (NDSS 2016) Kang MS, Gligor VD, Sekar V
Conference TPC chairs' message 2016 • CoNEXT 2016 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies • v Kostic D, Sekar V
Conference Via 2016 286-299 Jiang J, Das R, Ananthanarayanan G, Chou PA, Padmanabhan V, Sekar V, Dominique E, Goliszewski M, Kukoleca D, Vafin R, Zhang H