Doctoral Degrees Conferred Search Academic Year: 1992-1993 Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title Long-Ji Lin Tom Mitchell Reinforcement Learning for Robots Using Neural Networks Thomas Mathies Ravindran Kannan Paths in Graphs and Parallel Computing Spiro Michaylov Frank Pfenning, Peter Lee Design and Implementation of Practical Constraint Logic Programming Systems Carol Novak Steven Shafer Estimating Scene Properties by Analyzing Color Histograms with Physics-Based Models Thad Polk Kurt VanLehn, Allen Newell Verbal Reasoning David Pugh Roger Dannenberg Using Interactive Sketch Interpretation to Design Solid Objects Douglas Reece Steven Shafer Selective Perception for Robot Driving Ellen Siegel Eric Cooper Applying High-Level Language Paradigms to Communication Software for Distributed Systems Manuela Veloso Jaime Carbonell Learning by Analogical Reasoning in General Purpose Problem Solving Academic Year: 1991-1992 Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title David Applegate Ravindran Kannan Sampling, Integration, and Computing Volumes of Convex Sets Randy Brost Matthen Mason Analysis and Planning of Planar Manipulation Tasks Erik Brunvand Robert Sproull Translating Concurrent Communicating Programs into Asynchronous Circuits Siddhartha Chatterjee Allan Fisher, Guy Blelloch Compiling Data-Parallel Programs for Efficient Execution on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors Alan Christiansen Matthew Mason, Tom Mitchell Automatic Acquisition of Task Theories for Robotic Manipulation Scott Dietzen Frank Pfenning, William Scherlis A Language for Higher-Order Explanation-Based Learning Klaus Gross Jaime Carbonell Concept Acquisition through Attribute Evolution and Experiment Selection Allan Heydon Doug Tygar Processing Visual Specifications of File System Security Hsiao-wuen Hon Raj Reddy, Kai-Fu Lee Vocabulary-Independent Speech Recognition: The VOCIND System Ajay Jain Alexander Waibel, David Touretzky PARSEC: A Connectionist Learning Architecture for Parsing Speech Kevin Knight Masaru Tomita Integrating Knowledge Acquisition and Language Acquisition Kenneth McMillan Edmund Clarke Symbolic Model Checking: An approach to the State Explosion Problem Robert Nord Peter Lee, William Scherlis Deriving and Manipulating Module Interfaces Mark Perlin Jaime Carbonell Automating the Construction of Efficient Artificial Intelligence Algorithms Benjamin Pierce Robert Harper Programming with Intersection Types and Bounded Polymorphism David Plaut Geoffrey Hinton Connectionist Neuropsychology: The Breakdown and Recovery of Behavior in Lesioned Attractor Networks Dean Pomerleau David Touretzky Neural Network Perception for Mobile Robot Guidance Dean Rubine Roger Dannenberg The Automatic Recognition of Gestures Alan Sussman H. T. Kung, Thomas Gross Model-Driven Mapping of Computation onto Distributed Memory Parallel Computers Shanghua Teng Gary Miller A Unified Geometric Approach to Graph Partitioning Carlo Tomasi Takeo Kanade Shape and Motion from Image Streams: A Factorization Method Gregg Yost Allen Newell TAQL: A Problem Space Tool for Expert System Development Angelika Zobel Thomas Gross Program Structure as a Basis for the Parallelization of Global Compiler Optimizations Academic Year: 1990-1991 Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title David Black Richard Rashid, Zary Segall Scheduling and Resource Management Techniques for Multiprocessors Raymond Keith Clark Maurice Herlihy Scheduling Dependent Real-Time Activities David Detlefs Jeannette Wing Concurrent, atomic garbage collection Gordon Goetsch Hans Berliner The Maximization of Mutual Information in a Context Sensitive Neural Network Kenneth Goldberg Matthew Mason Stochastic Plans for Robotic Manipulation Alexander Hauptmann Jaime Carbonell, Alexander Rudnicky Meaning from Structure in Natural Language Interfaces Peter Highnam Allan Fisher Systems and Programming Issues in the Design and Use of a SIMD Linear Array for Image Processing Craig Knoblock Jaime Carbonell Automatically Generating Abstractions for Problem Solving Richard Lerner Jeannette Wing Specifying Objects of Concurrent Systems Steven Nowlan Geoffrey Hinton Soft Competitive Adaptation: Neural Network Learning Algorithms Based on Fitting Statistical Mixtures Marko Petkovsek Dana Scott Finding Closed-Form Solutions of Difference Equations by Symbolic Methods Harry Printz H. T. Kung Automatic Mapping of Large Signal Processing Systems to a Parallel Machine Norman Sadeh-Koniecpol Mark Fox Look-Ahead Techniques for Micro-Opportunistic Job Shop Scheduling David Servan-Schrieber Herbert Simon From Physiology to Behavior: Computational Models of Catecholamine Modulation of Information Processing Olin Shivers Peter Lee, Allen Newell Control Flow Analysis of High Order Languages Milind Tambe Allen Newell Eliminating Combinatorics from Production Match Ming Tan Tom Mitchell, Schlimmer Cost-Sensitive Robot Learning Raul Valdes-Perez Herbert Simon Machine Discovery of Chemical Reaction Pathways Blake Ward Allen Newell, Jill Larkin Toward an ITS for Theory-based Representations Skef Wholey Guy Blelloch, Scott Fahlman Automatic Data Mapping for Distributed-Memory Parallel Computers Academic Year: 1989-1990 Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title Thomas Anantharaman Roberto Bisiani A Statistical Study of Selective Min-Max Search in Computer Chess Joshua J. Bloch Alfred Spector A Practical Approach to Replication of Abstract Data Objects Ellen Borison James Morris Program Changes and the Cost of Selective Recompilation Conal Elliott Frank Pfenning Extensions and Applications of Higher-Order Unification Feng-Hsiung Hsu H. T. Kung Large Scale Parallelization of Alpha-beta Search: An Algorithmic and Architectural Study with Computer Chess Daniel Kuokka Jaime Carbonell The Deliberative Integration of Planning, Execution, and Learning Thomas Lane Mary Shaw User Interface Software Structures Kevin Lang Geoffrey Hinton A Time-delay Neural Network Architecture for Speech Recognition Jill Fain Lehman Jaime Carbonell Adaptive parsing: Self-extending natural language interfaces Barbara Staudt Lerner Nico Habermann Automated Customization of User Interfaces Larry Matthies Takeo Kanade Dynamic Stereo Vision Michael Mauldin Jaime Carbonell Information Retrieval by Text Skimming David Nichols James Morris Multiprocessing in a Network of Workstations Andreas Nowatzyk Roberto Bisiani A Communication Architecture for Multiprocessor Networks Wei-Min Shen Herbert Simon, Jaime Carbonell Learning from Environments Based on Percepts and Actions Anthony Stentz Takeo Kanade The NAVLAB System for Mobile Robot Navigation Ellen Lowenfeld Walker Takeo Kanade Frame-based geometric reasoning for construction and maintenance of 3D world models Richard Wallace Takeo Kanade Finding Natural Clusters Through Entropy Minimization Michael Young Richard Rashid, Alfred Spector Exporting a User Interface to Memory Management from Communication-Oriented Operating Systems Academic Year: 1988-1989 Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title Michael Browne Edmund Clarke Automatic Verification of Finite State Machines Using Temporal Logic Dean Daniels Alfred Spector Distributed Logging for Transaction Processing Mark Derthick Geoffrey Hinton, David Touretzky Mundane Reasoning by Parallel Constraint Satisfaction Daniel Duchamp Alfred Spector Transaction Management Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous … Page 8 Page 9 Current page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Next page Next › Last page Last » Academics Current Semester Courses Upcoming Semester Courses Schedule of Classes Undergraduate Catalog Bachelor's Programs Master's Programs Doctoral Programs Ph.D. in Computer Science Ph.D. in ACO Ph.D. in PAL CNBC Certificate Program Ph.D. Dual Degree Portugal Doctoral - How to Apply Degrees Conferred Other SCS Doctoral Programs Student Resources Thesis Repositories SCS Technical Reports Kilthub Proquest (requires CMU login)