SCS Ph.D. Graduation 2019

Doctoral Degrees Conferred

Academic Year: 1988-1989
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Jeffrey Eppinger Richard Rashid, Alfred Spector Virtual Memory Management for Transaction Processing Systems
Jessica Hodgins Matthew Mason Legged Robots on Rough Terrain: Experiments in Adjusting Step Length
Guy Jacobson Merrick Furst Succinct Static Data Structures
Gudrun Klinker Takeo Kanade, Jonathan Webb A Physical Approach to Color Image Understanding
Deepak Kulkarni Herbert Simon The Processes of Scientific Research: The Strategy of Experimentation
Victor Milenkovic Takeo Kanade Verifiable Implementations of Finite Precision Arithmetic
Vijay Saraswat Dana Scott Concurrent Constraint Programming Languages
David Smith Takeo Kanade Autonomous Scene Description with Range Imagery
David Steier Allen Newell Automating Algorithm Design Within a General Architecture for Intelligence
Richard Szeliski Takeo Kanade Bayesian Modeling of Uncertainty in Low-level Vision
Academic Year: 1987-1988
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Murray Campbell Hans Berliner Chunking as an Abstraction Mechanism
Richard Cohn James Morris Programmable Command Languages for Window Systems
David Dill Edmund Clarke Trace Theory for Automatic Heirarchical Verification of Speed-independent Circuits
Rex Dwyer Daniel Sleator Average Case Analysis of Algorithms for Convex Hulls and Voronoi Diagrams
Leonard Hamey Takeo Kanade Computer Perception of Repetitive Textures
Michael Horowitz Roger Dannenberg Automatically Achieving Elasticity in the Implementation of Programming Languages
Yumi Iwasaki Herbert Simon Model-based Reasoning of Device Behavior with Causal Ordering
Kai-fu Lee Raj Reddy Large-vocabulary Speaker-independent Continuous Speech Recognition
Lyle McGeoch Merrick Furst Algorithms for Two Graph Problems: Computing Maximum-genus Imbedding and the Two-server Problem
Steven Minton Jaime Carbonell Learning Effective Search Control Knowledge: An Explanation-based Approach
Randy Pausch Alfred Spector Adding Input and Output to the Transactional Model
Robert Sansom Richard Rashid Building a Secure Distributed Computer System
Pedro Szekely Philip Hayes Separating the User Interface from the Functionality of Application Programs
Avadis Tevanian Jr. Richard Rashid Architecture-Independent Virtual Memory Management for Parallel and Distributed Environments: The Mach Approach
James Wendorf Douglas Jensen, Hideyuki Tokuda Operating System/application Concurrency in Tightly-coupled Multiple-processor Systems
Academic Year: 1986-1987
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
David Ackley Geoffrey Hinton Stochastic Iterated Genetic Hill Climbing
Peter Brown Geoffrey Hinton The Acoustic-modeling Problem in Automatic Speech Recognition
James Driscoll Merrick Furst The Diameter of Permutation Groups: Fully Persistent Search Trees
Robert Fitzgerald Richard Rashid A Performance Evaluation of the Integration of Virtual Memory Management and Inter-process Communication in Accent
Robert Frederking Jaime Carbonell Natural Language Dialogue in an Integrated Computational Model
David Garlan Nico Habermann Views for Tools in Integrated Environments
Monica Lam H. T. Kung A Systolic Array Optimizing Compiler
Catherine Cole McGeoch Jon Bentley Experimental Analysis of Algorithms
Kemal Oflazer H. T. Kung Partitioning in Parallel Processing of Production Systems
Alexander Waibel Raj Reddy Prosody and Speech Recognition
Ed Zayas Richard Rashid The Use of Copy-on-reference in a Process Migration System
Academic Year: 1985-1986
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Anoop Gupta Allen Newell Parallelism in Production Systems
Bernd Bruegge Mario Barbacci, Peter Hibbard Adaptability and Portability of Symbolic Debuggers
Ivor Durham Anita Jones The Development of Fault-tolerant Software
Carl Ebeling Robert Sproull All the Right Moves: A VLSI Architecture for Chess
Craig Fulmer Everhart Alfred Spector Making Robust Programs
Gail E. Kaiser Nico Habermann Semantics for Structure Editing Environments
Douglass Locke Douglas Jensen Best-effort Decision Making for Real-time Scheduling
Bhubaneswar Mishra Edmund Clarke Some Graph-theoretic Issues in VLSI Design
Ketan Mulmuley Dana Scott Full Abstraction and Semantic Equivalence
James B. Saxe Jon Bentley Decomposable Searching Problems and Circuit Optimization by Retiming: Two Studies in General Transformation on Computational Structures
Duncan Walker Steven Director Yield Simulation for Integrated Circuits
Academic Year: 1984-1985
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Andrew W. Appel Merrick Furst Compile-time Evaluation and Code Generation for Semantics-directed Compilers
Nathaniel S. Borenstein James Morris The Design and Evaluation of On-line Help Systems
Allan L. Fisher H. T. Kung Implementation Issues for Algorithmic VLSI Processor Arrays
Edward H. Frank Robert Sproull A Data-driven Multiprocessor for Switch-level Simulation of VLSI Circuits
Andy Hisgen Peter Hibbard Optimization of User-defined Types: A Program Transformation Approach
David Hornig Richard Rashid, Raj Reddy Automatic Partitioning and Scheduling on a Network of Personal Computers
Michael L. Kazar Anita Jones Automatic Distribution of Programs and Data in a Distributed Environment
Bruce D. Lucas Takeo Kanade, Raj Reddy Generalized Image Matching by the Method of Differences
Joseph Mohan Anita Jones Performance of Parallel Programs: Model and Analyses
Thomas L. Rodeheffer Peter Hibbard Compiling Ordinary Programs for Executions on an Asynchronous Multiprocessor
Peter Schwarz Alfred Spector Transactions on Typed Objects
Charles Thorpe Raj Reddy FIDO: Vision and Navigation for a Robot Rover
Masaru Tomita Jaime Carbonell An Efficient Context-free Parsing Algorithm for Natural Languages and its Application
Philip Lee Wadler Nico Habermann Listlessness is Better than Laziness
Robert Wilber Merrick Furst A Comparison of the Black and Black-white Pebble Games
Academic Year: 1983-1984
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Marc Donner Marc Raibert, Raj Reddy Control of Walking: Local Control and Real Time Systems
Michael Foster H. T. Kung Specialized Silicon Compilers for Language Recognition
John Laird Allen Newell Universal Subgoaling
Philip Lehman H. T. Kung Systolic Arrays for Rapid Processing of Simple Database Transactions
David Notkin Nico Habermann Interactive Structure-oriented Computing
Jonathan Rosenberg Mary Shaw Generating Efficient Code for Generic Subprograms
Mark Sherman Peter Hibbard, Daniel Siewiorek Paragon: A Language Using Type Hierarchies for the Specification, Implementation and Selection of Abstract Data Types
David Touretzky Scott Fahlman The Mathematics of Inheritance Systems
Academic Year: 1982-1983
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Robert Chansler Anita Jones Coupling in Systems with Many Processors
Roger Dannenberg Peter Hibbard Resource Sharing in a Network of Personal Computers
Mark Fox Herbert Simon Constraint-directed Search: A Case Study of Job-shop Scheduling
James Gosling Robert Sproull, Raj Reddy Algebraic Constraints
Robert Hon Raj Reddy, Robert Sproull Two Papers on Circuit Extraction