Publications by Giulia Fanti

Journal Article


2017 • Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems • 1(1):1-34
Venkatakrishnan SB, Fanti G, Viswanath P


Deanonymization in the bitcoin P2P network

2017 • Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems • 2017-December:1365-1374
Fanti G, Viswanath P


Metadata-conscious anonymous messaging

2016 • 33rd International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2016 • 1:166-180
Fanti G, Kairouz P, Oh S, Ramchandran K, Viswanath P


Building dissent networks: Towards effective countermeasures against large-scale communications blackouts

2013 • 3rd USENIX Workshop on Free and Open Communications on the Internet, FOCI 2013, co-located with USENIX Security 2013
Hasan S, Ben-David Y, Fanti G, Brewer E, Shenker S
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