Publications by David Woodruff


Leveraging well-conditioned bases: Streaming and distributed summaries in minkowski p-norms

2018 • 35th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2018 • 3:1692-1707
Cormodc G, Dickens C, Woodruff DP


On coresets for logistic regression

2018 • Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems • 2018-December:6561-6570
Munteanu A, Sohler C, Schwiegelshohn C, Woodruff DP


Robust subspace approximation in a stream

2018 • Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems • 2018-December:10683-10693
Levin R, Sevekari A, Woodruff DP


Sublinear time low-rank approximation of distance matrices

2018 • Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems • 2018-December:3782-3792
Bakshi A, Woodruff DP


Algorithms for ℓ<inf>p</inf> low-rank approximation

2017 • 34th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2017 • 2:1358-1366
Chierichetti F, Gollapudi S, Kumar R, Lattanzi S, Panigrahy R, Woodruff DP


Approximation algorithms for l<inf>0</inf>-low rank approximation

2017 • Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems • 2017-December:6649-6660
Bringmann K, Kolev P, Woodruff DP
Displaying 201 - 225 of 392