Journal Article Stochastically Transitive Models for Pairwise Comparisons: Statistical and Computational Issues 2017 • IEEE Transactions on Information Theory • 63(2):934-959 Shah NB, Balakrishnan S, Guntuboyina A, Wainwright MJ
Journal Article Estimation from Pairwise Comparisons: Sharp Minimax Bounds with Topology Dependence 2016 • Journal of machine learning research • 17: Shah NB, Balakrishnan S, Bradley J, Parekh A, Ramchandran K, Wainwright MJ
Conference Feeling the Bern: Adaptive Estimators for Bernoulli Probabilities of Pairwise Comparisons 2016 • IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings • 1153-1157 Shah NB, Balakrishnan S, Wainwright MJ
Conference Stochastically Transitive Models for Pairwise Comparisons: Statistical and Computational Issues 2016 • INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE LEARNING, VOL 48 • 48: Shah NB, Balakrishnan S, Guntuboyina A, Wainwright MJ
Preprint Estimation from Pairwise Comparisons: Sharp Minimax Bounds with Topology Dependence 2015 Shah NB, Balakrishnan S, Bradley J, Parekh A, Ramchandran K, Wainwright MJ
Conference Estimation from pairwise comparisons: Sharp minimax bounds with topology dependence 2015 • Journal of machine learning research • 38:856-865 Shah NB, Parekh A, Balakrishnan S, Ramchandran K, Bradley J, Wainwright M
Preprint Stochastically Transitive Models for Pairwise Comparisons: Statistical and Computational Issues 2015 Shah NB, Balakrishnan S, Guntuboyina A, Wainwright MJ
Preprint When is it Better to Compare than to Score? 2014 Shah NB, Balakrishnan S, Bradley J, Parekh A, Ramchandran K, Wainwright M
Preprint Allocation Schemes in Analytic Evaluation: Applicant-Centric Holistic or Attribute-Centric Segmented? • Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing • 10(1):207-218 Wang J, Baharav C, Shah NB, Woolley AW, Ravi R
Conference Debiasing Evaluations That Are Biased by Evaluations • Proceedings of the ... AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence • 35(11):10120-10128 Wang J, Stelmakh I, Wei Y, Shah NB
Journal Article Loss Functions, Axioms, and Peer Review • The journal of artificial intelligence research • 70:1481-1515 Noothigattu R, Shah N, Procaccia A
Conference Near-Optimal Reviewer Splitting in Two-Phase Paper Reviewing and Conference Experiment Design • Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing • 10(1):102-113 Jecmen S, Zhang H, Liu R, Fang F, Conitzer V, Shah NB
Conference Ranking and Rating Rankings and Ratings • Proceedings of the ... AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence • 34(09):13704-13707 Wang J, Shah NB
Conference Strategyproofing Peer Assessment via Partitioning: The Price in Terms of Evaluators’ Expertise • Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing • 10(1):53-63 Dhull K, Jecmen S, Kothari P, Shah NB
Conference Uncovering Latent Biases in Text: Method and Application to Peer Review • Proceedings of the ... AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence • 35(6):4767-4775 Manzoor E, Shah NB