Journal Article DMP 2009 • Computer architecture news • 37(1):85-96 Devietti J, Lucia B, Ceze L, Oskin M
Conference DMP 2009 • International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems - ASPLOS • 85-96 Devietti J, Lucia B, Ceze L, Oskin M
Conference DMP: Deterministic shared memory multiprocessing 2009 • ACM Sigplan Notices • 44(3):85-96 Devietti J, Lucia B, Ceze L, Oskin M
Conference Finding concurrency bugs with context-aware communication graphs 2009 • Micro -Annual Workshop then Annual International Symposium- • 553-563 Lucia B, Ceze L
Journal Article Atom-Aid 2008 • Computer architecture news • 36(3):277-288 Lucia B, Devietti J, Strauss K, Ceze L
Conference Atom-Aid: Detecting and Surviving Atomicity Violations 2008 • Proceedings / Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture. International Symposium on Computer Architecture • 277-288 Lucia B, Devietti J, Strauss K, Ceze L
Conference Message from the Chairmen 2004 • Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI) • iii-iii Siegel M, Wide P, Loftin RB, Petriu EM, Gao RX
Journal Article Monza: An Energy-Minimal, General-Purpose Dataflow SoC for the Internet of Things • IEEE Micro • PP(99):1-9 Beckmann N, Lucia B, Gobieski G, Nowatzki T, Jackson T, Lallement G, Zhang K, Nagi A, Sathe A, Desai H