Conference FAWN: A Fast Array of Wimpy Nodes 2009 • SOSP'09: PROCEEDINGS OF THE TWENTY-SECOND ACM SIGOPS SYMPOSIUM ON OPERATING SYSTEMS PRINCIPLES • 1-14 Andersen DG, Franklin J, Kaminsky M, Phanishayee A, Tan L, Vasudevan V
Conference FAWNdamentally power-efficient clusters 2009 • Proceedings of HotOS 2009 - 12th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems Vasudevan V, Franklin J, Andersen D, Phanishayee A, Tan L, Kaminsky M, Moraru I
Journal Article Link-alike 2009 • Mobile Computing and Communications Review • 12(4):1-14 Jakubczak S, Andersen DG, Kaminsky M, Papagiannaki K, Seshan S
Conference Safe and Effective Fine-grained TCP Retransmissions for Datacenter Communication 2009 • SIGCOMM 2009 • 303-314 Vasudevan V, Phanishayee A, Shah H, Krevat E, Andersen DG, Ganger GR, Gibson GA, Mueller B
Conference Safe and Effective Fine-grained TCP Retransmissions for Datacenter Communication 2009 • Computer Communication Review • 39(4):303-314 Vasudevan V, Phanishayee A, Shah H, Krevat E, Andersen DG, Ganger GR, Gibson GA, Mueller B
Conference Scaling all-pairs overlay routing 2009 145-156 Sontag D, Zhang Y, Phanishayee A, Andersen DG, Karger D
Conference Accountable internet protocol (aip) 2008 339-350 Andersen DG, Balakrishnan H, Feamster N, Koponen T, Moon D, Shenker S
Conference Accountable Internet Protocol (AIP) 2008 • Computer Communication Review • 38(4):339-350 Andersen DG, Balakrishnan H, Feamster N, Koponen T, Moon D, Shenker S
Conference Adaptive file transfers for diverse environments 2008 • Proceedings of the 2008 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, USENIX 2008 • 157-170 Pucha H, Kaminsky M, Andersen DG, Kozuch MA
Conference An Empirical Evaluation of Entropy-based Traffic Anomaly Detection 2008 • IMC'08: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2008 ACM SIGCOMM INTERNET MEASUREMENT CONFERENCE • 151-156 Nychis G, Sekar V, Andersen DG, Kim H, Zhang H
Conference CSAMP: A system for network-wide flow monitoring 2008 • 5th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, NSDI 2008 • 233-246 Sekar V, Reiter MK, Willinger W, Zhang H, Kompella RR, Andersen DG
Conference Ditto - A System for Opportunistic Caching in Multi-hop Wireless Networks 2008 • Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, MOBICOM • 279-290 Dogar FR, Phanishayee A, Pucha H, Ruwase O, Andersen DG
Conference Efficiency through eavesdropping: Link-layer packet caching 2008 • 5th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, NSDI 2008 • 105-118 Afanasyev M, Andersen DG, Snoeren AC
Conference Mark-and-Sweep: Getting the "Inside" Scoop on Neighborhood Networks 2008 • IMC'08: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2008 ACM SIGCOMM INTERNET MEASUREMENT CONFERENCE • 99-+ Han D, Agarwala A, Andersen DG, Kaminsky M, Papagiannaki K, Seshan S
Conference Measurement and analysis of TCP throughput collapse in cluster-based storage systems 2008 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6TH USENIX CONFERENCE ON FILE AND STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES (FAST '08) • 175-188 Phanishayee A, Krevat E, Vasudevan V, Andersen DG, Ganger GR, Gibson GA, Seshan S
Conference Perspectives: Improving SSH-style host authentication with multi-path probing 2008 • Proceedings of the 2008 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, USENIX 2008 • 321-334 Wendlandt D, Andersen DG, Perrig A
Journal Article Session details: Measurement 2008 • Computer Communication Review • 38(4): Andersen D
Conference Exploiting similarity for multi-source downloads using file handprints 2007 • 4th Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, NSDI 2007 • 15-28 Pucha H, Andersen DG, Kaminsky M
Conference Holding the Internet Accountable 2007 • 6th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, HotNets 2007 Andersen D, Balakrishnan H, Feamster N, Koponen T, Moon D, Shenker S
Conference On application-level approaches to avoiding TCP throughput collapse in cluster-based storage systems 2007 1-4 Krevat E, Vasudevan V, Phanishayee A, Andersen DG, Ganger GR, Gibson GA, Seshan S
Conference SWAP: Shared Wireless Access Protocol (using reciprocity) 2007 • 2007 IEEE INFORMATION ASSURANCE WORKSHOP • 191-+ Dunlop MW, Perng G, Andersen DG
Conference An architecture for Internet data transfer 2006 • USENIX ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3RD SYMPOSIUM ON NETWORKED SYSTEMS DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION (NSDI 06) • 253-266 Tolia N, Kaminsky M, Andersen DG, Patil S
Conference Don't Secure Routing Protocols, Secure Data Delivery 2006 • 5th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, HotNets 2006 • 7-12 Wendlandt D, Avramopoulos I, Andersen DG, Rexford J