Publications by Maria Balcan


Statistical active learning algorithms

2013 • Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems
Balcan MF, Feldman V

Journal Article

Distributed learning, communication complexity and privacy

2012 • Journal of machine learning research • 23:
Balcan MF, Blum A, Fine S, Mansour Y

Journal Article

Learning valuation functions

2012 • Journal of machine learning research • 23:
Balcan MF, Constantin F, Iwata S, Wang L

Journal Article

On Nash-equilibria of approximation-stable games

2012 • Current Science • 103(9):1014-1020
Awasthi P, Balcan MF, Blum A, Sheffet O, Vempala S

Journal Article

Robust interactive learning

2012 • Journal of machine learning research • 23:
Balcan MF, Hanneke S
Displaying 176 - 200 of 253