Conference Tri-plots: scalable tools for multidimensional data mining 2001 184-193 Traina A, Traina C, Papadimitriou S, Faloutsos C
Conference Tri-Plots: Scalable Tools for Multidimensional Data Mining 2001 Traina A, Traina C, Papadimitriou S, Faloutsos C
Conference VideoGraph: a new tool for video mining and classification 2001 116-117 Pan J-Y, Faloutsos C
Conference VideoGraph: A new tool for video mining and classification 2001 • Proceedings of First ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries • 116-117 Pan JY, Faloutsos C
Journal Article Analysis of range queries and self-spatial join queries on real region datasets stored using an R-tree 2000 • IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering • 12(5):751-762 Proietti G, Faloutsos C
Journal Article Data mining on an OLTP system (nearly) for free 2000 • SIGMOD Record • 29(2):13-21 Riedel E, Faloutsos C, Ganger GR, Nagle DF
Conference Data mining on an OLTP system (nearly) for free 2000 • SIGMOD Record • 29(2):13-21 Riedel E, Faloutsos C, Ganger GR, Nagle DF
Journal Article Deflating the dimensionality curse using multiple fractal dimensions 2000 • Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Engineering • 589-598 Pagel B-U, Korn F, Faloutsos C
Conference Density biased sampling: an improved method for data mining and clustering 2000 • SIGMOD Record • 29(2):82-92 Palmer CR, Faloutsos C
Journal Article Distance Exponent: A New Concept for Selectivity Estimation in Metric Trees 2000 • Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Engineering • 195-195 Traina C, Traina AJM, Faloutsos C
Conference FALCON: Feedback Adaptive Loop for Content-Based Retrieval 2000 Wu L, Faloutsos C, Sycara K, Payne TR
Journal Article Online data mining for co-evolving time sequences 2000 • Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Engineering • 13-22 Yi B-K, Sidiropoulos ND, Johnson T, Jagadish HV, Faloutsos C, Biliris A
Journal Article Quantifiable data mining using ratio rules 2000 • The VLDB journal • 8(3-4):254-266 Korn F, Labrinidis A, Kotidis Y, Faloutsos C
Journal Article Reminiscences on influential papers 2000 • SIGMOD Record • 29(1):52-56 Ross KA, Faloutsos C, Levy A, O'Neil P
Chapter Searching, Data Mining and Visualization of Multimedia Data 2000 • IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology • 141-142 Faloutsos C
Conference Slim-Trees: High Performance Metric Trees Minimizing Overlap between Nodes 2000 • Lecture Notes in Computer Science • 1777:51-65 Traina C, Traina A, Seeger B, Faloutsos C
Journal Article Spatial join selectivity using power laws 2000 • SIGMOD Record • 29(2):177-188 Faloutsos C, Seeger B, Traina A, Traina C
Conference Spatial join selectivity using power laws 2000 177-188 Faloutsos C, Seeger B, Traina A, Traina C
Journal Article Automated learning and discovery - State of the art and research topics in a rapidly growing field 1999 • AI Magazine • 20(3):78-82 Thrun S, Faloutsos C, Mitchell T, Wasserman L
Journal Article Automated Learning and Discovery State-of-the-Art and Research Topics in a Rapidly Growing Field 1999 • AI Magazine • 20(3):78-78 Thrun S, Faloutsos C, Mitchell T, Wasserman L
Journal Article Distance Exponent: A New Concept for Selectivity Estimation in Metric Trees 1999 Caetano T, Traina AJ, Faloutsos C
Journal Article I/O complexity for range queries on region data stored using an R-tree 1999 • Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Engineering • 628-635 Proietti G, Faloutsos C
Conference Informed prefetching of collective input/output requests 1999 • ACM/IEEE SC 1999 Conference, SC 1999 • 13 Madhyastha TM, Gibson GA, Faloutsos C