Conference Vote-And-comment: Modeling the coevolution of user interactions in social voting web sites 2016 • Proceedings / IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining • 0:91-100 Costa AF, Traina AJM, Traina C, Faloutsos C
Conference Vote-and-Comment: Modeling the Coevolution of User Interactions in Social Voting Web Sites 2016 91-100 Costa AF, Traina AJM, Traina C, Faloutsos C
Conference “Infect-Me-Not”: A User-Centric and Site-Centric Study of Web-Based Malware 2016 234-242 Hang H, Bashir A, Faloutsos M, Faloutsos C, Dumitras T
Conference A General Suspiciousness Metric for Dense Blocks in Multimodal Data 2015 • Proceedings / IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining • 781-786 Jiang M, Beutel A, Cui P, Hooi B, Yang S, Faloutsos C
Journal Article An analysis on information diffusion through <i>BlogCast</i> in a blogosphere 2015 • Information Sciences • 290:45-62 Ha J, Kim S-W, Kim S-W, Faloutsos C, Park S
Journal Article Anomaly detection in dynamic networks: a survey 2015 • WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS-COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS • 7(3):223-247 Ranshous S, Shen S, Koutra D, Harenberg S, Faloutsos C, Samatova NF
Conference Automatic Taxonomy Extraction from Bipartite Graphs 2015 • Proceedings / IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining • 221-230 Tobias K, Giinnemann S, Berthold MR, Christos F
Preprint BIRDNEST: Bayesian Inference for Ratings-Fraud Detection 2015 Hooi B, Shah N, Beutel A, Gunnemann S, Akoglu L, Kumar M, Makhija D, Faloutsos C
Preprint EdgeCentric: Anomaly Detection in Edge-Attributed Networks 2015 Shah N, Beutel A, Hooi B, Akoglu L, Gunnemann S, Makhija D, Kumar M, Faloutsos C
Conference Education, Learning and Information Theory 2015 • 2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA MINING WORKSHOP (ICDMW) • 269-272 Hooi B, Song HA, Papalexakis E, Agrawal R, Faloutsos C
Journal Article Estimating robustness in large social graphs 2015 • Knowledge and Information Systems • 45(3):645-678 Malliaros FD, Megalooikonomou V, Faloutsos C
Conference Extracting Taxonomies from Bipartite Graphs 2015 51-52 Kötter T, Günnemann S, Faloutsos C, Berthold MR
Conference Fast Efficient and Scalable Core Consistency Diagnostic for the Parafac Decomposition for Big Sparse Tensors 2015 • Proceedings of the ... IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing / sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Signal Processing Society. ICASSP (Conference) • 5441-5445 Papalexakis EE, Faloutsos C
Conference Fraud Detection through Graph-Based User Behavior Modeling 2015 • Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security • 1696-1697 Beutel A, Akoglu L, Faloutsos C
Preprint GMine: A System for Scalable, Interactive Graph Visualization and Mining 2015 Rodrigues J, Tong H, Traina A, Faloutsos C, Leskovec J
Conference Graph-Based User Behavior Modeling: From Prediction to Fraud Detection 2015 • Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining • 2309-2310 Beutel A, Akoglu L, Faloutsos C
Conference HaTen2: Billion-Scale Tensor Decompositions 2015 • Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering • 1047-1058 Jeon I, Papalexakis EE, Kang U, Faloutsos C
Preprint Large Graph Analysis in the GMine System 2015 Rodrigues JF, Tong H, Pan J-Y, Traina AJM, Traina C, Faloutsos C
Chapter Linearized and Single-Pass Belief Propagation 2015 • Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment • 8(5):581-592 Gatterbauer W, Guennemann S, Koutra D, Faloutsos C
Conference Location Based Social Network Analysis Using Tensors and Signal Processing Tools 2015 93-96 Papalcxakis EE, Pelechrinis K, Faloutsos C
Journal Article MASSEXODUS: modeling evolving networks in harsh environments 2015 • Data mining and knowledge discovery • 29(5):1211-1232 Navlakha S, Faloutsos C, Bar-Joseph Z
Conference Mining and Forecasting of Big Time-series Data 2015 • Proceedings / ACM-SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data. ACM-Sigmod International Conference on Management of Data • 919-922 Sakurai Y, Matsubara Y, Faloutsos C
Conference Modeling Website Popularity Competition in the Attention-Activity Marketplace 2015 389-398 Ribeiro B, Faloutsos C
Conference ND-SYNC: Detecting Synchronized Fraud Activities 2015 • Lecture Notes in Computer Science • 9078:201-214 Giatsoglou M, Chatzakou D, Shah N, Beutel A, Faloutsos C, Vakali A