Zeliha Dilsun Kaynar

Dilsun Kaynar, Teaching Faculty, Computer Science Department

Associate Teaching Professor


CMU Scholars Page

Office 6009 Gates and Hillman Centers

Email dilsun@cs.cmu.edu

Phone (412) 268-9297

Computer Science Department

Administrative Support Person
Oliver Moss

CSD Courses Taught

15150 - Spring, 2024

15150 - Fall, 2024


Dilsun Kaynar is an Associate Teaching Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). Before joining the Computer Science Department she worked as a researcher at CMU CyLAb and at MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in the Theory of Distributed Systems Group (2001-2006). She received her Ph.D. degree in 2002 from the University of Edinburgh in the UK and B.Sc. degree in 1996 from the Middle East Technical University in Turkey.

Research/Teaching Statement

Dilsun Kaynar's teaching interests lie in the areas of principles of programming, foundations of programming languages, formal modeling, and verification.
