David Andersen Professor Website CMU Scholars Page ORCiD Google Scholars Link Office 9109 Gates and Hillman Centers Email dga@cs.cmu.edu Phone (412) 268-3064 Department Computer Science Department Administrative Support Person Patricia Loring Research Interests Systems Databases Distributed Systems Networking Security and Privacy CSD Courses Taught 15213 - Spring, 2025 15513 - Spring, 2025 15712 - Fall, 2024 15513 - Spring, 2024 15213 - Spring, 2024 Biography David Andersen is a professor in the Computer Science department at Carnegie Mellon University. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees from MIT, and and received B.S. degrees in Computer Science and Biology from the University of Utah. He is founder and CTO of BrdgAI.He previously served as a visiting scientist in the Google Brain group; co-founder of deep learning startup Marianas Labs; co-founder and CTO of an Internet Service Provider in Salt Lake City; a biology lab assistant; and a rock climbing instructor. Research Statement My research focuses on networks and distributed systems. My interests lie in creating systems that meet goals such as robustness, high availability, and energy efficiency. My current research encompasses two large project areas: FAWN: Fast Arrays of Wimpy Nodes. The FAWN project aims to develop computational cluster architectures, and software techniques to use them, that are drastically more energy and cost-effective than today's technologies. We do so by building clusters from systems that are comparatively slow by the standards of today's leading-edge, but that together, can provide drastically more throughput and computational capability at lower power. We then tackle the problems of actually using such systems by developing new algorithms and systems techniques for data-intensive processing on these clusters. Typical challenges we seek to overcome are using substantially less memory than prior approaches, harnessing new storage technologies such as Flash and phase-change memory, and coping with systems composed of 5x more nodes than previously used. XIA: The Expressive Internet Architecture. XIA is a clean-slate approach to Internetworking, in a collaboration with numerous faculty at Carnegie Mellon and elsewhere. The goal of the project is to develop an Internet architecture for the next 100 years: one that is robust, has drastically improved security compared to todays, and, most importantly, one that can evolve easily to meet as-yet-unknown uses and challenges. Publications Journal Article Combining Machine Learning and Lifetime-Based Resource Management for Memory Allocation and Beyond 2024 • Communications of the ACM • 67(4):83-92 Maas M, Andersen DG, Isard M, Javanmard MM, McKinley KS, Raffel C Conference RAIZN: Redundant Array of Independent Zoned Namespaces 2023 • International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems - ASPLOS • 660-673 Kim T, Jeon J, Arora N, Li H, Kaminsky M, Andersen DG, Ganger GR, Amvrosiadis G, Bjorling M Journal Article The Seattle report on database research 2022 • Communications of the ACM • 65(8):72-79 Andersen D, Pavlo A, and others Journal Article Succinct Range Filters 2021 • Communications of the ACM • 64(4):166-173 Zhang H, Lim H, Leis V, Andersen DG, Kaminsky M, Keeton K, Pavlo A Conference Challenges and solutions for fast remote persistent memory access 2020 105-119 Kalia A, Andersen D, Kaminsky M
Journal Article Combining Machine Learning and Lifetime-Based Resource Management for Memory Allocation and Beyond 2024 • Communications of the ACM • 67(4):83-92 Maas M, Andersen DG, Isard M, Javanmard MM, McKinley KS, Raffel C
Conference RAIZN: Redundant Array of Independent Zoned Namespaces 2023 • International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems - ASPLOS • 660-673 Kim T, Jeon J, Arora N, Li H, Kaminsky M, Andersen DG, Ganger GR, Amvrosiadis G, Bjorling M
Journal Article The Seattle report on database research 2022 • Communications of the ACM • 65(8):72-79 Andersen D, Pavlo A, and others
Journal Article Succinct Range Filters 2021 • Communications of the ACM • 64(4):166-173 Zhang H, Lim H, Leis V, Andersen DG, Kaminsky M, Keeton K, Pavlo A
Conference Challenges and solutions for fast remote persistent memory access 2020 105-119 Kalia A, Andersen D, Kaminsky M