Computational Models of Neural Systems

Course ID 15883

Description This course is an in-depth study of information processing in real neural systems from a computer science perspective. We will examine several brain areas, such as the hippocampus and cerebellum, where processing is sufficiently well understood that it can be discussed in terms of specific representations and algorithms. We will focus primarily on computer models of these systems, after establishing the necessary anatomical, physiological, and psychophysical context. There will be some neuroscience tutorial lectures for those with no prior background in this area.

Key Topics
computational neuroscience; models of the brain

Required Background Knowledge
Ability to read and absorb primary source scientific literature (journal articles); elementary programming skills

Course Relevance
This course is intended for graduate students interested in computational neuroscience. Prior neuroscience exposure is not required.

Course Goals
What are the major computational ideas about how specific brain areas function? What are the currently favored models of cerebellum, hippocampus, basal ganglia, and cortex?

Learning Resources
MATLAB; educational models at

Assessment Structure
homework 20%; modeling project 20%; midterm exam 30%; final exam 30%

Extra Time Commitment

Course Link