Competition Programming I

Course ID 15195

Description Each year, Carnegie Mellon fields several teams for participation in the ICPC Regional Programming Contest. During many recent years, one of those teams has earned the right to represent Carnegie Mellon at the ICPC World Finals. This course is a vehicle for those who consistently and rigorously train in preparation for the contests to earn course credit for their effort and achievement. Preparation involves the study of algorithms, the practice of programming and debugging, the development of test sets, and the growth of team, communication, and problem solving skills. Neither the course grade nor the number of units earned are dependent on ranking in any contest. Students are not required to earn course credit to participate in practices or to compete in ACM-ICPC events. Students who have not yet taken 15-295 should register for 15-195; only students who have already taken 15-295 should register for 15-295 again.

Key Topics
Learn how to devise and implement efficient algorithms.

Required Background Knowledge
You must have beginner's skill level (high school level is sufficient) in one of the following programming languages: C/C++, Pascal, Java, C#, Python, Ruby, Perl, PHP, Haskell, Scala, OCaml, Go, D, JavaScript, Rust and Kotlin. It will be difficult to do well (get an A) if you only know Python.

Course Relevance
Students who have not yet taken 15-295 should register for 15-195; only students who have already taken 15-295 should register for 15-295 again.

Many of the algorithms and techniques covered are classic ones that every computer scientist should know. You will also learn to think about algorithms in a deeper way, because many of the problems require you to devise a new algorithm, not just apply a classic one. These skills will be of great value in your other classes, in your job interviews, and in your future work.

Course Goals
You will learn to apply fundamental algorithmic techniques such as: divide and conquer, sweepline, binary search, graph search, segment trees, hill climbing, string search, and many others. You will become fluent using the features and libraries in your chosen programming language. You will learn by solving a series of problems. In each problem you will write a short program that will then be automatically judged on efficiency and correctness.

Learning Resources
The course uses a variety of resources such as: The USACO training website, Online judge (, Lecture material posted on our own website, Solution descriptions that are posted after each problem set.

Assessment Structure
Every week there will be a problem set of about 6 problems. You solve as many as you can in class or during the following week (for half credit). The final grade in the course is based on how many problems you solve.