Thesis Oral Defense - Jatin Arora

— 4:00pm

In Person and Virtual - ET - Gates Hillman 8102 and Zoom

JATIN ARORA, Ph.D. Candidate, Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University

Provably Efficient Coscheduling of Computation and Data through Disentanglement

Because of its many desirable properties, such as its ability to control effects and thus potentially disastrous race conditions, functional programming offers a viable approach to programming modern multicore computers. This has led to  the past decade several parallel functional languages, typically based on dialects of ML and Haskell, have been developed. These languages, however, have traditionally underperformed compared to procedural languages (such as C and Java).The primary reason for this underperformance has been the lack of scalable memory management techniques capable of matching the increased demand of memory in parallel execution.

In this thesis, we propose provably efficient techniques for memory management of parallel functional programs. The key idea behind our techniques is to coschedule the parallel computation with its data, enabling the memory manager to exploit the disentanglement hypothesis---the idea that parallel tasks of a program largely execute independently and avoid side-effecting data that may be accessed by others--for efficiency. We implement these techniques in the MPL compiler for parallel ML and our experimental results show that the techniques can marry the safety benefits of functional programming with performance.

Thesis Committee:

Umut A. Acar (Chair)
Guy E. Blelloch
Robert Harper
Rustan Leino (Amazon)

In Person and Zoom Participation.  See announcement.

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