SCS Special Seminar

— 12:00pm

In Person and Virtual - ET - Newell-Simon 4305 and Zoom

SEAN SZUMLANSKI, Associate Lecturer, University of Central Florida

Introduction to Linked Lists

This teaching demonstration will introduce linked lists as if to a population of undergraduates seeing the topic for the first time in a data structures course. We will begin by briefly highlighting some of the strengths and weaknesses of arrays, which will serve as a launching point into our discussion of linked lists. We will then explore the basic anatomy of a linked list before diving headlong into a live coding session where we will implement -- from scratch and in real time -- a variety of linked list operations. Our focus will be on writing clean, beautiful, efficient code. This talk assumes knowledge of Java.

Sean Szumlanski is an Associate Lecturer at the University of Central Florida (UCF). He earned his Ph.D. from UCF with a focus in natural language processing in 2013 and worked as a full-time software engineer at Google from 2014-2015, after which his love for CS education brought him back to the classroom. Since then, he has taught thousands of students across core CS courses at UCF in the areas of data structures, algorithms, object-oriented programming in Java, and introductory programming in C. He is the recipient of his university's most distinguished teaching awards, including the Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award for the College of Engineering and Computer Science (2018 and 2022) and the Teaching Incentive Program (TIP) Award (2018).

Faculty Host: Kelly Rivers

In Person and Zoom Participation. See announcement.

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