PoP Seminar - Aws Albarghouthi

— 4:00pm

In Person - ASA Conference Room, Gates Hillman 6115

AWS ALBARGHOUTHI , Associate Professor, Computer Sciences, School of Computer, Data & Information Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Synthesizing Quantum-Circuit Compilers

The promise of quantum computing has tantalized researchers for decades, and recent breakthroughs in physical implementations have brought this technology closer to reality. However, the quantum computing landscape remains highly dynamic: competing physical substrates, fault tolerance schemes, and architectures continue to emerge with no clear frontrunner. This diversity creates a significant bottleneck in the compilation pipeline – developing and maintaining separate compilers for each new device or experimental setup is both time-consuming and error-prone.

In this talk, I will present an alternative approach: automatically synthesizing device-specific quantum circuit compilers. This synthesis-based methodology enables rapid iteration while maintaining correctness guarantees. I will focus on the optimizer component, which reduces circuit size to minimize quantum computation errors. I will demonstrate how automatically synthesized optimizers can achieve superior performance compared to sophisticated hand-crafted alternatives.

This talk is based on joint work with Amanda Xu, Abtin Molavi, and Swamit Tannu.

Aws Albarghouthi is an associate professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He studies the problems of automated synthesis and verification of programs. He received his PhD from the University of Toronto in 2015. He has received a number of best-paper awards for his work (at FSE, UIST, and FAST), a CACM Research Highlight for his PLDI 2020 paper, an NSF CAREER award, a Google Faculty Research Award, and multiple Facebook Research Awards. Faculty Host:  Feras Saad

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