Info Session: Computer Science MS (MSCS) and 5th Year Research MS Programs September 25, 2024 5:00pm — 6:00pm Location: In Person - Newell-Simon 3002 Speaker: PETER STEENKISTE and DAVID ECKHARDT Are you interested in continuing your education and obtaining a Computer Science Master's Degree? Yes? Attend this information session! Professor Peter Steenkiste, Professor and Program Director, will discuss The 5th-Year Master of Science Program The Fifth Year Master’s Program is a 12-month research-focused program for graduates of SCS bachelor’s programs. Students complete four Ph.D.-level classes while working on thesis research with a research advisor in SCS. The program has application deadlines in October and January; admitted students can start in either of the two semesters following the semester in which they were admitted.Professor David Eckhardt, Teaching Professor and Program Co-DIrector, will discuss The Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) Program The Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) Program offers students with a Bachelor’s degree the opportunity to improve their training with advanced study in Computer Science (research is optional). We cater to students with basic analytic skills and a strong aptitude for mathematics, programming and logical reasoning. Students with SCS undergraduate minors are welcome to apply. Application deadlines are December and July, for students planning to start in August and January.Additional Information 5th-Year Program Handbook MSCS Program Handbook Event Website: