Doctoral Speaking Skills Talk - Sam Arch

— 1:00pm

In Person - Blelloch-Skees Conference Room, Gates Hillman 8115

SAM ARCH, Ph.D. Student, Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University

The Key to Effective UDF Optimization: Before Inlining, First Perform Outlining

User-defined functions (UDFs) are procedural functions (written in PL/SQL, Python) callable from SQL queries. However, queries with UDFs are notoriously hard to optimize as they mix declarative SQL and procedural UDF code. In SQL Server 2019, Microsoft shipped UDF inlining, a feature eliminating all UDF code by translating entire UDFs to SQL. However, inlining often leads to sub-optimal performance. We propose a new optimization technique, UDF outlining, to intentionally hide pieces of a UDF from the query optimizer, resulting in significantly simpler and faster queries.  

Presented as part of the Database Group Lunch Talks 

Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the CSD Speaking Skills Requirement

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