Computer Science 5th Years Master's Thesis Presentation

— 4:30pm

In Person - Traffic21 Classroom, Gates Hillman 6501

MIRABEL HU, Masters Student, Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University

Exploring Variations of Wythoff Nim

We investigate two modifications to the traditional rules of Wythoff Nim, a combinatorial game. In Wythoff Nim, players take turns removing stones from a pair of piles. In each turn, a player chooses to either (1) take any number of stones from one pile or (2) take an equal number from both. The player removing the last stone wins. A seminal result of Wythoff states that at any point in the game, the current player is in a P-position — that is, guaranteed to lose assuming the other player plays optimally — if and only if the pair of pile sizes is of the form (nø, nø^2) for some natural number n, where ø = 1.618… represents the golden ratio. 

This thesis introduces a variant of Wythoff Nim, which we call W(a,b), characterized by positive integers a and b, where players' moves are constrained to either removing a multiple of a from the first pile, a multiple of b from the second, or an equal number from both. We prove that the P-positions of this variant also follow sloping “beams”, but with slopes determined by a and b. 

Thesis Committee:

Danny Sleator (Advisor)
Klaus Sutner

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