15424/624/824: CPS V&V Grand Prix December 11, 2018 1:00pm — 5:00pm Location: ASA Conference Room 6115 - Gates Hillman Centers Speaker: Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems http://lfcps.org/course/lfcps18-projects.html In the CPS V&V Grand Prix (CPS Verification & Validation Grand Prix), students in 15424/624/824 present their final projects to a panel of experts in CPS, who will provide feedback from an industry perspective and insights into the state-of-the-art verification & validation methods used for CPS. In addition to the opportunity to show off their results to these industry representatives, a few top projects and presentations will be awarded prizes (not to mention the fame and glory that inevitably comes with being a verification rockstar).Come cheer on your friends and fellow students from the Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems course will demonstrate their final course projects to a panel of experts from industry to seek fame and glory in the CPS V&V Grand Prix. Please come and cheer for your friends.CompetitionCourse ProjectsFaculty Host: AndrĂ© Platzer Event Website: http://lfcps.org/course/lfcps18-competition.html For More Information: aplatzer@cs.cmu.edu Add event to Google Add event to iCal