vGHC20 - School of Computer Science Welcome vGHC20 Career Fair Attendees! Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) HCII Summer Research ProgramCarnegie Mellon’s Summer Research Program in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute is an opportunity for undergraduate students to spend 10 weeks at the University’s #1-ranked School of Computer Science. A variety of topics are available in diverse areas at the intersection of psychology, computer science, human-computer interaction interfaces and language technologies. The diversity of research happening in the HCII gives students the opportunity to conduct cutting-edge research on projects including smart classroom sensors, educational games, accessibility, online health support groups, tools for citizen science, smartphone privacy tools, future of work, and much more. Application wil be available mid-November 2020. Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Software Engineering (REUSE) programCarnegie Mellon's Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Software Engineering (REUSE) program is an opportunity for undergraduate students to spend a summer working with some of the world's leading Software Engineering faculty researchers. Robotics Institute Summer Scholars (RISS) ProgramCarnegie Mellon’s Robotics Institute Summer Scholars (RISS) program is an eleven-week summer undergraduate research program that immerses a diverse cohort of scholars in cutting-edge robotics projects that drive innovation and have real-world impact.Undergraduate students interested in learning more can email their resume to Rachel Burcin & John Dolan. Be sure to sign-up for our newsletter on the website for program and application updates! Applications will be accepted beginning November 1. Internship Opportunities LTI Summer Internships (2021) - Contact Professor Graham NeubigThe Language Technologies Institute in Carnegie Mellon University is recruiting interns for Summer 2021. The topic of the internship will be “Language Technology For All,” where you will focus on performing research on cutting-edge language systems to make them more accurate, efficient, or inclusive.Specific topics include:Natural Language Processing (including machine translation, language analysis, question answering, etc.)Vision and Language SystemsSpeech TechnologyComputational LinguisticsInformation RetrievalNLP Applications for Other Academic Fields (e.g. law, scientific literature processing)Technology for Effective and Efficient Learning (TEEL) Lab at Carnegie Mellon University focuses on research in learning methods, technology for learning systems, curriculum development, and workforce training and has several positions available for interns (in-person and remote). We have three types of roles we are looking to fill:Infrastructure development: writing and refactoring cloud apps, containerization, API development, data processing and analysis, front-end developmentCourse development: writing content and auto-gradable assignments for courses related to cloud programming, Cloud DevOps, and data science/engineeringResearch: data mining and/or user centered design aimed at improving learning in online coursesInterested individuals should submit their CV via this form.