Wenting Zheng

Wenting Zheng

Assistant Professor

Office 9015 Gates and Hillman Centers

Email wenting@cmu.edu

Computer Science Department

Administrative Support Person
Emi Perdan

Research Interests

Edward Chen
Siddharth Jayashankar
Qi Pang
Matan Shtepel

CSD Courses Taught

15793 - Spring, 2024

15640 - Fall, 2024

15440 - Fall, 2024


Previously, I was a Ph.D. student in the UC Berkeley RISE Lab, where I was co-advised by Raluca Ada Popa and Ion Stoica. I received my bachelor and M.Eng. degrees at MIT. I have been very fortunate to work with a number of wonderful people. During my M.Eng., I was advised by Barbara Liskov and worked with Eddie Kohler and Sam Madden.

I was also a co-founder and an organizer for DARE, a diversity-focused program for matching undergraduates to research opportunities.

Research/Teaching Statement

I am broadly interested in system security and applied cryptography. Recently, I've been fascinated with building practical systems for secure outsourced computation in the cloud, and secure collaborative computation among mutually distrusting parties. I believe that a combination of systems and advanced cryptography can not only make existing applications more secure, but also enable new applications.