15-351 Algorithms and Advanced Data Structures 15-351 - COURSE PROFILECourse Level: UndergraduateUnits: 12Special Permission Required: No (if yes, please see Notes)Frequency Offered: Generally offered every fall semester - confirm course offerings for upcoming semesters by accessing the university Schedule of Classes.Course Relevance (who should take this course?): This course is for students not in the computer science major or minor who are interested in advanced data structures.Key Topics:Background Knowledge:Assessment Structure:Run time analysisDivide-and-conquer algorithmsDynamic programming algorithmsNetwork flow algorithmsLinear and integer programmingLarge-scale search algorithms and heuristicsEfficient data storage and queryNP-completenessMost Recent Syllabus: https://piazza-syllabus.s3.amazonaws.com/irx1xwdns3f6w4/15351f16syllabus.pdfUnderstanding of C and data structures from 15-122Sample class notes: not providedSample Assignment: not providedHomework 20%First Midterm 25%Second Midterm 25%Final Exam 30%Sample Exam: not providedSample Lecture Recording: Typically no recorded lecturesCourse Goals/Objectives:Ability to design, analyze complexity of, and prove the correctness of algorthims used with data structures.Course Website: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jianma/15351/index.htmlLearning Resources:Pre-reqs, Cross list, Related:Notes:PiazzaBlackboardCourse TextbookPrerequisites Required: 15-122 or 15-121Minimum Grades in Prereqs:D in 15-122, D in 15-121Corequisites: NonePrerequisite for: Anti-requisites: NoneCross-Listed: 02-613, 15-650Substitutes: 15-112 for 15-121, 15-123 for 15-122Related Courses: 15-650, 02-613Reservations: NoneThis course is not open to Computer Science Majors or Minors. Cross-listed with graduate level number 15-650 and graduate students will not be enrolled into the undergraduate level course and will be removed from the waitlist without notification.Department Website:College Website:Updated November 2017https://www.csd.cs.cmu.eduhttps://www.cs.cmu.edu/ Back to Course Profile List