William Lovas

Refinement Types for Logical Frameworks Degree Type: Ph.D. in Computer Science
Advisor(s): Frank Pfenning
Graduated: December 2010


The logical framework LF and its metalogic Twelf can be used to encode and reason about a wide variety of logics, languages, and other deductive systems in a formal, machine-checkable way.

Recent studies have shown that ML-like languages can profitably be extended with a notion of subtyping called refinement types. A refinement type discipline uses an extra layer of term classification above the usual type system to more accurately capture certain properties of terms.

I propose that adding refinement types to LF is both useful and practical. To support the claim, I exhibit an extension of LF with refinement types called LFR,work out important details of its metatheory, delineate a practical algorithm for refinement type reconstruction, and present several case studies that highlight the utility of refinement types for formalized mathematics. In the end I find that refinement types and LF are a match made in heaven: refinements enable many rich new modes of expression, and the simplicity of LF ensures that they come at a modest cost.

Thesis Committee:
Frank Pfenning, (Chair)
Karl Crary
Robert Harper
Adriana Compagnoni (Stevens)
Carsten Schürmann (ITU Copenhagen)

Jeannette Wing, Head, Computer Science Department
Randy Bryant, Dean, School of Computer Science

Refinement types, logical frameworks, subtyping, intersection types, dependent types

CMU-CS-10-138.pdf (1.33 MB) ( 205 pages)
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