Santosh Vempala

Geometric Tools for Algorithms Degree Type: Ph.D. in Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization
Advisor(s): Avrim Blum
Graduated: August 1997


Our thesis is that a geometric perspective yields insights into the structure of fundamental problems, and thereby suggests efficient algorithms for them. As evidence, we develop new geometric models and general-purpose tools for removing outliers from numeric data, reducing dimensionality, and counting combinatorial sets. Then we apply these techniques to a set of old problems to obtain polynomial-time algorithms. These include: (1) learning noisy linear-threshold functions (half-spaces), (2) learning the intersection of half-spaces, (3) clustering text corpora, and (4) counting lattice points in a convex body.

We supplement some of our theorems with experimental studies.

Thesis Committee:
Avrim Blum (Chair)
Alan Frieze
Ravi Kannan
László Lovász (Yale University)

James Morris, Head, Computer Science Department
Raj Reddy Dean, School of Computer Science

Geometric algorithms, randomization, outliers, sampling, information retrieval, machine learning

CMU-CS-97-167.pdf (451.02 KB) ( 86 pages)
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